
Weekdays, 5 - 10am

81% of Dads Say Mother’s Day Outshines Father’s Day . . . and Their Families Basically Agree

Father’s Day is Sunday.  And you REALLY should do something to celebrate it, because no, your dad is NOT cool with you blowing it off. According to a new survey, 81% of dads say they think Mother’s Day outshines Father’s Day.  And . . . they’re not wrong. 70% of women and kids admit that dads will get less of an acknowledgement on Sunday than moms did last month.  And 49% say Father’s Day, quote, “is not a big deal” in their family. The survey also found people who ARE getting their dad something plan on spending an average of $38 less than they spent on their mom. And the most common gift they’re planning to get is . . . a card. READ MORE
