What Amazon Echo and Google Home Do with Your Voice Data

(from wired.com)

AMAZON ECHO ANDĀ Google Homeā€”and other devices that haveĀ AlexaĀ andĀ Google AssistantĀ built inā€”are some of the most promising new technologies to come along in years. And theyā€™reĀ genuinely useful to have around, whether itā€™s to settle a bet or help out with a recipe. But it can also feel a little creepy to have a speaker in your house thatā€™sĀ always listening. What exactly is it doing with that info? Where does it go? (MORE HERE)

What I do in the privacy of my own home with my Echo should be between me Alexa and the delivery driver!! Yes, I ordered a large pizza. Yes, it’s just for me!!

