Coachella Bans Weed, Despite the Drug Now Being Legal in California

No, you can’t smoke pot at one of the biggest music fests and the fest is saying that officially. On the Q&A portion of it’s official site, the festival declares β€œSorry bro. Marijuana and marijuana products aren’t allowed inside [the festival]. Even in 2018 and beyond. If that changes, we’ll update this answer.”

As of the first day of this new year (Jan. 1), anyone over the age of 21 in California is legally allowed to smoke weed on private properties, as well as at licensed businesses β€” an expansion of the previously legalized medical marijuana in the state. There has been debate how this will be regulated, but many assumed a music festival in a state where recreational weed just became might be friendlier to it, but that does not seem to be the case here.

The city of Indio which hosts Coachella still has to abide by state law which now allows you to possess a small amount of bud for personal use, but you can’t smoke it out in the open. Now whether or not this will stop festival-goers from lighting up, is to be determined.

How do you feel about it? Let us know on social media .

Coachella 2018 goes down the weekend of April 13, and will be finishing off the next weekend of April 20. Check out the full lineup here