Women are so smart, they’ll match with you, then force you to do ‘stuff’

The female species knows exactly what they’re doing. This girl made a video of how she matched with someone on Tinder, then invited him over… then BOOM- before he knows what hit him he’s putting together IKEA furniture. And really this could be for anything guys, fixing a leaky faucet, cleaning the kitty litter. Women NEED you, but necessarily for the fun stuff. Let this video be a warning to you. Don’t be a SIMP!


Also, read this letter sent to Brian, Ali, and Justin as proof!

Ahoy Brian, Ali and Justin please don’t use my name but I’ve been doing something similar to what you guys are talking about. My boyfriend moved in with me a year ago and started paying all the rent and all the bills. What he doesn’t know is my dad bought me this condo and that he’s been paying me this entire time. Last year I made $28,000 of him. I learned this trick and so many other from my friends, girls gotta stick together!