Ina 2017 study, for the National Safety Council , they found that 2/3 of people feel tired at work. 53% feel less productive, and 44% have trouble focusing. Y’all needs some naps! But a lot of people who take a schnooze in the midday and wakeup feeling more tired, or worse, you wakeup not knowing what day it is- guilty! So how do you when and how to get some Z’s to give you some energy. This may seem backwards, but most people should just be taking “power naps.” All you need is 20-30 minutes of sleep so that your brain stays in those early stages of sleep. If you get into a deep sleep stage by staying asleep longer during your nap, your nighttime sleep will most likely be affected since you’re throwing your rhythm off. Try to get into sleep mode in the afternoon right away by finding a darker place, and hopefully it’s between 1pm-3pm, that’s the money window. This has been proven to be the best time your siesta. Naps can support your mental health and raise your immunity so get sleeping!