Cyber security is a big deal right now and there is an article that shares the 20 most common passwords found on the dark web due to data breaches. Going through it looks like every word you would try if you were trying to guess someone’ password… Any of these look familiar to you? <3 Lauren
- 123456
- 123456789
- Qwerty
- Password
- 12345
- 12345678
- 111111
- 1234567
- 123123
- Qwerty123
- 1q2w3e
- 1234567890
- 0
- Abc123
- 654321
- 123321
- Qwertyuiop
- Iloveyou
- 666666
Tip: “If you use any of the above passwords for any of your online accounts, you’d be wise to swap them out for something more secure. Cybersecurity experts often recommend picking something longer than the minimum number of recommended characters, and using uncommon characters – like punctuation marks or other symbols – in place of letters and numbers, to make your password harder to guess.”