KT’s Kids is one of my absolute favorite local charities. They raise money for the patients of KidsRehab at Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital, ranging in age from infants to teens. Schwab is in North Lawndale and is one of only two rehabilitation hospitals in Chicago. Most of their kids come from the lowest socioeconomic communities in Chicago.

The Schwab multidisciplinary KidsRehab staff, including physical, occupational, speech and psychological therapists, help children gain their maximum functional independence after illness or injury. Their medical director, Dr. Lisa Thornton, is one of the world’s preeminent pediatric rehabilitation specialists. The team at Schwab designs a treatment plan tailored to the unique needs of each child. To assure continued progress even after a patient has been discharged, KidsRehab maintains ongoing contact with families and the child to help provide smooth transitions; whether back home, to school, or with ongoing therapy.
The KT’s Kids Holiday Toy Drive and Benefit is their biggest fundraiser of the year. It allows the organization to throw the kids of KidsRehab a holiday party to give them all of the donations they’ve raised each year. And they invite all of the children in the household, not just patients. Every child gets two gifts (one fun, one practical), and each family gets a $20 Target gift card. The children play adaptive games, have pizza and cookies, and most importantly, they meet Santa!

In summer, they support C.A.M.P. Schwab. C.A.M.P. (Children with Adapted Mobility Play) it’s a free summer day camps for kids with disabilities in Cook County. They provide camp for almost forty kids, aged 7–18, who receive services at Schwab, La Rabida or Shriner’s Hospital, including transportation, activities, and a closing picnic to celebrate. C.A.M.P. Schwab brings kids outside to play on their own terms, and that’s hugely empowering. To see some of these children in wheelchairs able to go to the beach thanks to this amazing team is nothing short of inspiring.

Join us at Liars Club this Saturday 12/16/22 starting at 7p. Brand new toys welcomed and encouraged and there will be a raffle for some amazing prizes. Performances by Sweet Figurines, The Bama Lamas, Angela Eve and Eve’s Parlor Burlesque and an all star punk line up with The Nefarious Fat Cats! $20 at the door, 100% of proceeds to benefit KT’s Kids. If you can’t come in person, stream it live at zuma.live or go to www.ktskids.com to make a donation! Hope to see you there! <3 Lauren