Not all heroes wear capes. Mark Woodley, the “sports guy” at KWWL in Waterloo, IA gives no F’s as he covers the blizzard last night (this morning?) “I didn’t even realize that there was a 3:30 also in the morning until today.”

Watch his compilation below for such gems as; “What better time to ask the sports guy to come in about five hours earlier than he would normally wake up, go stand out in the wind and the snow and the cold, and tell other people not to do the same?”
“Tune in for the next couple of hours to watch me progressively get crankier and crankier.”
“I’ve got good news, and I’ve got bad news. The good news is that I can still feel my face right now. The bad news is I kind of wish I couldn’t.”
“How do I get that Stormchaser 7 duty? I feel like Clint got the better end of that deal. That thing’s heated… the outdoors currently is not heated.”
I want to party with this dude. <3 Lauren