I love the smell of democracy in the morning. <3 Lauren

If you are asking yourself, ‘didn’t we do this already?” The answer is yes, from wikipedia:
The 2023 Chicago mayoral election was held on February 28, 2023, to elect the mayor of Chicago, Illinois. With no candidate receiving a majority of votes in the initial round of the election, a runoff election will be held on April 4, 2023. The runoff is between former CEO of Chicago Public Schools Paul Vallas and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson. This two-round election takes place alongside other 2023 Chicago elections, including races for City Council, city clerk, city treasurer, and police district councils. The election is officially nonpartisan, with its winner being elected to a four-year term.
Early voting is open at 52 locations across the city:

And you still have time to request a Vote By Mail ballot!
From the Chicago Board of Elections website
Looming Deadlines:
- March 30, 2023 – Last day for the Board to receive new Vote By Mail applications.
- April 4, 2023 – Last day for postmark on the Ballot Return Envelope if returning by mail.
- April 18, 2023 – Last day that a mailed Vote By Mail ballot (postmarked or certified April 4 or earlier) may arrive at the Election Board to be included in the count.
And Good to Know:
- DON’T USE RED INK to mark your ballot! Ballot scanners can’t read red ink.
- SIGN AND SEAL your Ballot Return Envelope before you send it in!
- When you apply online to Vote By Mail, the Election Board will email to tell you when your application is accepted, when your ballot is mailed to you, when the Election Board receives your Ballot Return Envelope, and when your ballot has been processed and counted.
More voting info: https://chicagoelections.gov/en/home.html
However you plan to vote this election, DO IT! <3