How Gross Are You, Actually?

Are you a clean person . . . a relatively clean person . . . or do you just live a filthy existence and love it?  A new online survey asked people these six questions about gross habits.  See how you do . . .


1.  Have you ever peed in the shower?  84% of people said yes.  That includes 60% who do it at least once a WEEK.  15% also said they’ve peed in a SINK at least once before.

2.  Have you ever passed gas in an elevator?  53% said they’ve done it while they were ALONE in an elevator.  38% have done it with other people in there.  And a very confident 3% said they do it all the time.

3.  How often do you wash your jeans?  60% said after two or three wears.  14% said every time they wear them.  25% said only when they’re really dirty.  1% said never.

4.  Have you ever needed a shower, but you just put on a ton of perfume or cologne instead?  69% said yes, including 18% who do it often.  31% claim they never have.

5.  As an adult, have you ever picked your nose and eaten it?  25% said YES.  And half of them said they STILL do it.  20% lied and said they never even pick their nose.

6.  How often do you use the bathroom and not wash your hands?  37% said they always wash their hands.  51% skip it sometimes.  And 12% said they RARELY wash their hands after using the bathroom.


