The Foo Fighters headline the lineup of what to watch this Sunday that isn’t what everyone else is watching — the football game.
Dave Grohl and company will be doing a VR concert immediately after the football game. Grab your Oculus headset and get ready to plug in at approximately 10PMCST — oh, and if you don’t want to get too fancy, it will be on the Foo Fighters’ Facebook page as well.
Lifehacker also has some other options for you today — a reboot of a beloved sitcom, a cute and cuddly puppy tradition, and so much more to keep you occupied. Oh, and in 2022 you can watch the Super Bowl commercials before they even air. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!
Eric Kristensen is from the Weekend KQX and will definitely be watching football today — he has money on the game. You can bet he would love you to follow him on Twitter, no matter what you decide to view. (@erickristensen)