
Weekdays, 5 - 10am

Brian & Lou's Blog

Category Archives: Brian & Lou’s Blog

Lunchtime Is Coming…

Lunchtime Is Coming…

Hodor lives! OK, maybe not, but Game of Thrones actor Kristian Nairn is certainly keeping the character’s memory alive in his new commercial for KFC.

Brian & Lou 06.30.17

Brian & Lou 06.30.17

What Ya Missed, Have you stopped a wedding, Friday Fails, Eat Travel Rock and Tom Cotter

Brian & Lou 06.29.17

Brian & Lou 06.29.17

What Ya Missed, Has your big mouth cos you your job like Miguel Montero, Vanilla vs Chocolate ice cream, Nicci is mad at CBS for interrupting Big Brother and Artie Lange.

LISTEN: Artie Lange 06.29.17

LISTEN: Artie Lange 06.29.17

Artie talks about drug addiction, having a bench warrant in Jersey, his childhood, how to steal cable, HBO’s Crashing, partying with Quincy Jones and much more…

Brian & Lou 06.28.17

Brian & Lou 06.28.17

What Ya Missed, Nicci bought an adult toy on her parents Prime account, a Lansing off duty officer is in the news and Brian’s bag was stolen on the plane.

Eat. Travel. Rock. 06.23.17

Eat. Travel. Rock. 06.23.17

Who doesn’t love a good pop-up?! They’re in, they’re out, they build lasting memories. Here are a couple that hopefully stick around longer than they’re supposed to.

Brian & Lou 06.23.17

Brian & Lou 06.23.17

What Ya Missed, Catching People in the Act, School Dress Codes, Eat Travel Rock, and Summertime Movies

Brian & Lou 06.22.17

Brian & Lou 06.22.17

What Ya Missed, Weird Allergies, Slipknot vs. Nickelback, Winky Faces, and Tyler Glenn from Neon Trees

Brian & Lou 06.21.17

Brian & Lou 06.21.17

What Ya Missed, ex revenge, if you found 100k would you turn it in, We Need To Talk and the new Ken Doll.

Brian & Lou 06.20.17

Brian & Lou 06.20.17

What Ya Missed, A Packers fan is suing the Bears over their sideline dress code and Who has the worst neighbor in Chicago

Brian & Lou 06.19.17

Brian & Lou 06.19.17

What Ya Missed, Drunk Dials, Badass 48 recap, Awful summer jobs, Lou’s Wife wants to have a threesome with Nicci and Is It Florida.