Fidget Spinner Porn Is the Hottest Thing on Pornhub Right NowMay 25, 2017 | NicciThe number of searches is up 282% in the past two weeks . . .
Brian & Lou 05.24.17May 24, 2017 | NicciWhat Ya Missed, pandhandler scammers, publicly complaining about bad service and We Need To Talk
WATCH: A Woman Pretending to Be Homeless Is Caught Getting Into Her FiatMay 24, 2017 | NicciAfter being called-out she goes on the defense and tries to convince people that she’s being harassed by the person filming her, and says they’re going to end up killed.
Brian & Lou 05.23.17May 23, 2017 | NicciWhat Ya Missed, Manchester Attach and Getting Caught Drunk for the First Time
The Latest on the Ariana Grande Concert Bombing in ManchesterMay 23, 2017 | NicciHere’s what we know…
Brian & Lou 05.22.17May 22, 2017 | NicciWhat Ya Missed, PIQNIQ recap, Brian’s Mama Drama, Drunk Dials, Is It Florida and BADASS 48
Brian & Lou 05.19.17May 19, 2017 | NicciWhat Ya Missed, Walt from Stabbing Westward, Cop on a Rooftop, Matt Bellamy from Muse, PIQNIQ Band Riders, and WWE’s Kevin Owens
Brian & Lou 05.18.17May 18, 2017 | NicciWhat Ya Missed, woke up to the sad new about Chris Cornell’s death, not being allowed to watch porn and April Macie in studio…
Chris Cornell In Studio 04.24.13May 18, 2017 | NicciDigging through our archives and found one of the last times Chris Cornell was in our studio…
Chris Cornell Dead at Age 52May 18, 2017 | NicciHis representative, called Cornell’s passing “sudden and unexpected”
Brian & Lou 05.17.17May 17, 2017 | NicciWhat Ya Missed, Nicci was fat shamed at Old Navy, We Need To Talk and Mulva’s Birthday Sex…
WE NEED TO TALK – NICOLE & PETEMay 17, 2017 | NicciNicole wasn’t too happy with her Mother’s Day gift…
First-Ever Official Nutella Cafe Set To Open In ChicagoMay 17, 2017 | Nicci…warm baguettes and gelato, all topped with Nutella!!!
Brian & Lou 05.16.17May 16, 2017 | NicciWhat Ya Missed, Bush Lounge, Pregaming for Sex and Fake Outrage Alert!
Brian & Lou 05.15.17May 15, 2017 | NicciWorst Mothers Day, David Ross, Is It Florida and What Ya Missed
Eat Travel Rock 05.12.17May 12, 2017 | NicciHere are some amazing options for what’s Rocking Right Now in Chicago this weekend for Mother’s Day or for whatever your weekend entails.