Brendon Urie featured in the new Taylor Swift song “ME!”April 26, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarek“You can’t spell awesome without me”
Cubs pitcher gets his car stolen, talks to CPD during gameApril 25, 2019 | KevinRead the full story here
Boyfriend set a list of strict rules ahead of watching Avengers: EndgameApril 25, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekThis is the movie of the season, no distractions!
Be grateful your neighbor isn’t this guyApril 25, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarek“My neighbor is a maniac because _____”
Oliver Tree’s bloody video recapping his Coachella experienceApril 25, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekMaybe this experience will be what his next hit songs about.
Documentary covers the collapse of the 90’s Bulls dynasty (Stream it here)April 24, 2019 | KevinWatch how far the Bulls slid down after era of MJ
Mark Ruffalo just found out his ‘Avengers’ costar was in ’13 Going on 30′April 24, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekBy the way, this movie has been out for 15 years!
No budget to travel? Now you can fake a vacation for social mediaApril 22, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekOr if you just wanna be cheap and flaunt that you went on vacation, this works.
Dare you to not laugh at these news anchors Freudian slipsApril 22, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekYou’ve heard some with the KQX Morning Crew, but here’s more!
A pothole finally did something rightApril 22, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekWho knew potholes could save a life!
Lil Dicky’s new environmentally-conscious track features 30 artistsApril 19, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekHalsey, Zac Brown, Brendon Urie, Snoop Dogg, Kevin Hart, and many more!
WTF!? Yoga Instructor says how snorting his urine makes him last longer in bedApril 18, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekI’m sorry, what?!
Don’t mess with the 65-year-old slugger (VIDEO)April 18, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekHow did that bat swing go again? “Pi-yah!”
The 8 Best Neighborhood Dive Bars in Chicago (according to you)April 17, 2019 | Web TeamThese have not been tested nor approved by us…yet.
Skateboarder lands on top of a fellow boarder (VIDEO)April 17, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekOUCH, that’s gonna leave a mark!
Chicago set a new record this week with its weatherApril 17, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekSnow one day then 70 degrees 48 hours later? It’s a record.
Why we ALL should be drinking breast milkApril 17, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekMothers milk isn’t just for babies anymore.
Looking to quit smoking? Try sniffing chocolateApril 16, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekThey say any odour you find pleasant could work, but who doesn’t find the smell of chocolate pleasant?
WTF: A man is suing his parents for throwing out his pornApril 15, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekThink this man has a little porn problem.