Jelly Belly creator releases line of CBD-infused jelly beansMarch 18, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarek38 flavours filled with CBD.
Solomoon: A new honeymoon trendMarch 18, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekA Solo-moon doesn’t mean a honeymoon with Han Solo.
Fall Out Boy is being sued over llama puppetsMarch 18, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekYes, you are reading that headline right.
How the Plumbers Union dyes Chicago River for St. PatsMarch 15, 2019 | KevinWatch how the working men of Chicago River get it ready for it’s big day
Gordon Ramsay will be selling ‘Idiot Sandwich’ earmuffsMarch 15, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekSoon you can be an ‘idiot sandwich’ daily.
Eddie Vedder’s bizarre secret to getting laidMarch 15, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekI think he has a little bit of an advantage since he is a rockstar.
The trailer for ‘Avengers: Endgame’ is officially hereMarch 14, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarek“Whatever it takes.”
Pilot buys burgers for all 70 passengers stuck on tarmacMarch 14, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekWait, what would have happened if a passenger was vegetarian?
Drunk driver claimed that “Deadpool” was drivingMarch 13, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekGo home sir you’re drunk, but take a cab.
Barber hands out condoms with his business cards… but you shouldn’t use themMarch 13, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekIf Jake the barber gives you a condom, don’t use it.
Chicago’s the No. 1 city to celebrate St. Patrick’s DayMarch 12, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekChicago is number 1 for the second year in a row, go us!
Woman posts awful ‘tips’ a guy sent her after a bad Tinder dateMarch 12, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekHe should be the one receiving some tips on how to improve.
Two congressmen debated over Nickelback on the House floorMarch 8, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekEven politicians have comments on Nickelback.
NBC Sports Chicago should not post memesMarch 7, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekPSA: Know your memes before you post it.
Naturalists break world record for most naked people on a roller coasterMarch 6, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekThat was one bum-py ride.
‘School of Rock’ star faces four felony chargesMarch 6, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekStick to playing the guitars instead of stealing them.
Spaghetti freezes in Minnesota winter weatherMarch 5, 2019 | KevinYeah, it’s so cold so let’s just freeze stuff in weird ways.
New challenge claims Vans will always land right side upMarch 5, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekIt’s called the #VansChallenge, but will all the Vans land right side up?
Heinz brought you Mayochup, now get ready for Mayocue and MayomustMarch 5, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekMayochup, Mayocue, and Mayomust; what’s next?
Pabst Blue Ribbon will soon start selling whiskeyMarch 5, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekWe know the beer is cheap, but will the whiskey be just as cheap?