Does your Chicago neighborhood make the list of “Most Annoying”?January 16, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekThis is based on noise, garbage, and dog doo doo.
The internet is shook, McDonald’s french fry boxes have an actual purpose!January 15, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekIt is not just holding your french fries!
Half slim, half flared jeans.. Why?January 15, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekThe first stupid jean trend of 2019?
Sex article mistakenly posted on Portillo’s Facebook page.. oops.January 14, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarek“I know Portillo’s is the place for wieners and steamy buns, but this is a whole other level.”
Here’s some things you should keep a secret, and not tell your girlfriend.January 14, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekThere is a blurred line between being blunt and being honest.
YES! Illinois is cracking down on left lane campers.January 12, 2019 | EricAnd if they get a ticket, it ain’t gonna be cheap.
The official ‘Beer O’Clock’ time is…January 11, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekAnother reason to take advantage of Friday happy hour.
Win free beer for a year with Goose Island’s field goal challenge.January 8, 2019 | kimberlykaczmarekKick a 43-yard field goal for free beer? I’m in!
Who is the voice of the CTA?January 5, 2019 | KevinThis video introduces you to the real man behind the voice of the CTA
2019 is going to be a great year for Star Wars…(which includes Chicago, too)December 27, 2018 | EricA new movie. A new theme park. And reminder….a Chicago convention.
Watch Jake Johnson play the ‘Chicago vs. the Wolrd’ gameDecember 21, 2018 | KevinSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’s Jake Johnson takes the challenge from AV CLUB.
Fifteen people rescued from stuck elevator in the Loop.December 16, 2018 | EricNope. Not about the Hancock. A brand new incident. Merry Christmas.
Highest rated burgers in the countryDecember 12, 2018 | <3 LaurenChicago a bit underrepresented methinks
REPORT: Blink-182 will be one of the Riot Fest 2019 headlinersDecember 6, 2018 | EricLooks like they will be making good on their commitment from last year, according to this source.
“Elf Spaghetti,” on the menu for Chicago this holiday season.December 3, 2018 | EricFind out where you can….”enjoy” the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.
Flight cancellations galore in Chicago. Pass the time with this list.November 25, 2018 | EricI call it….”The Great Stuck-In-Chicago Time Wasters of 2018.” And I’d like to expand it with your help.
Bears legend Mike Ditka recovering from a heart attackNovember 24, 2018 | KevinHoping Iron Mike a healthy recovery
The CTA “L” now has it’s own card game.November 19, 2018 | EricAnd yes, you can definitely play the “manspreading” card.
Christkindlmarket opens up in Daley Plaza on FridayNovember 13, 2018 | Tim Virgin Christkindlmarket opens this Friday.