Queued Up #236July 17, 2017 | Web TeamIf you haven’t heard these songs, you really need to…like right now.
Wolf Alice in The LoungeJuly 5, 2017 | Web TeamTheir sophomore album is almost out, but before that Wolf Alice was cool enough to come by The Lounge.
Lolla 2016 – Wolf AliceAugust 1, 2016 | Web TeamWolf Alice stops by to chat with Brian and Lou. Watch the full interview here!
Queued Up #186July 25, 2016 | Web TeamLollapalooza starts this week! Here’s your cheat sheet to all the great bands you won’t want to miss.
Queued Up #156December 28, 2015 | Web TeamLook back at 2015’s best new music with the Year End Queued Up Show.
Queued Up #148November 2, 2015 | Web TeamwALT plays Cage The Elephant’s new track, introduces some local Chicago bands on the rise, and so much more on this Queued Up.
Queued Up #140September 8, 2015 | Web TeamHear this week’s playlist, including songs from Lord Huron, The Dead Weather and FIDLAR.